Located in Queensland, Australia’s longest serving mining regions, Boulder Creek Wind Farm will tap into one of the area's most valuable natural resources - the wind.
Stage 1: 38 wind turbines
Construction commencing November 2024
Westwood, Queensland (40km southwest of Rockhampton)

Project outline
Boulder Creek Wind Farm (Stage 1) is a 228 MW onshore wind farm, located 40 km southwest of Rockhampton and approximately 5 km west of Mount Morgan in central Queensland. The project, which is co-owned by Aula Energy and CS Energy will comprise 38 wind turbines, and will commence construction in November 2024.
Boulder Creek Wind Farm will provide economic benefits to the local region during both construction and operational phases. The project’s location benefits from a strong wind resource and a wind profile which is complementary to existing local solar farms to provide reliable round-the-clock power to the Queensland grid.

Project status
The project has been granted approval by the Queensland Government and the Commonwealth Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The project reached Financial Close in September 2024, and will commence construction in November 2024. Stage 1 will comprise 38 turbines with a nameplate capacity of 228 MW.